Recently I have started to learn and discover how to develop for the new Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft. I have this as my evening and weekend project. The goal is to be comfortable with the tools and methods which Windows 8 Store Apps are developed.
At first I thought it was a bit cool to do client development in JavaScript(JS) but I think I have changed my mind. After some tutorials in JS i thought XAML and C# is better for me. I have been working on Silverlight projects before and C# XAML for Windows 8 are’nt that different on a conceptual level.
I must say, using Windows 8 is mixed feelings. Starting to use OS X was more easy on the mind then using Windows 8. Perhaps I’m a bit conservative. Windows has had a start button since the release of Windows 95. A funny thing is, I did’nt like it at the beginning because I was used to Windows 3.1.
A few early thoughts about Windows 8:
- The new Metro GUI takes time to get used to
- Windows 8 is fast
- Search is fast, just like having a little mini Google inside my machine